
Two Esoteric Tarots

A conversation between Peter Mark Adams and Christophe Poncet on the esoteric tarot, in relation to the elite and Saturnian Sola-Busca tarocchi and the popular and luminous Tarot de Marseille. The two leading researchers into the hidden legacy of the tarot discuss the significance of their discoveries, which overturn the prevailing academic orthodoxy, and in doing so transform our understanding of the role of tarot in Western esotericism.

Hagia Sophia: Sanctum of Kronos
Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny

‘Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos’ traces a journey across the Hellenistic world as its classical culture teeters on the brink of extinction at the hands of religious zelots.

The sack of the sanctuary of the Mysteries of Eleusis triggered a centuries long effort to preserve its metaphysical and initiatory traditions for posterity.

Tracking this great endeavour, executed in the face of severe persecution, takes us on a journey through the fifth and sixth centuries CE; from the sanctuary of Eleusis to Athens and on to Alexandria before crossing to Asia Minor and, ultimately, to Constantinople. En route we encounter some of humanity’s greatest spiritual teachers.

In Constantinople, under the nose of the authorities, one of the world’s greatest buildings, the Hagia Sophia, was erected based upon astrological timing and embodying a sacred architecture that captured the living essence of the Hellenistic spiritual tradition; a supreme expression of spiritual defiance and dissent in an age of tyranny.

The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, PSI Abilities, and Ancestral Healings

Explores how energy healing works through multilayered and interconnected fields of consciousness

Sharing remarkable cases of healing and transformation from more than 20 years of professional energy healing work, Peter Mark Adams illustrates the role of transpersonal fields of consciousness in healing a range of issues, from inherited family and ancestral problems to past lives, near-death experiences, and spirit attachment.

 Illustrates the role of transpersonal fields of consciousness in healing a range of issues, from inherited family and ancestral problems, to past lives and womb trauma, to near-death experiences, merged identities, and spirit attachment

Shares remarkable cases of healing and personal transformation from the author’s more than 20 years of energy healing work, as well as experiences from other gifted healers, psychics, and shamans

Provides diagrams of the human energy body, the spectrum of states of awareness, the multilayered fields of consciousness, and the psycho-energetic dynamics of the transformation process

Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos

The Dionysian themed frescos of Pompeii’s Villa of the Mysteries constitute the single most important theurgical narrative to have survived in the Western esoteric tradition. No other practitioner account of the ritual process for conducting a mystery rite has survived down to today. The frescoes’ vivid and allusive imagery illuminates both the ritual activity of the participants as well as its esoteric import. The frescoes, created in the most private rooms of the extensive Roman villa, were never meant to be seen by anyone other than the members of the all-female Bakkhic thiasos who conducted their most secret rites within them. Buried and preserved for posterity by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE, these stunning proto-Renaissance images guide the viewer through the consecutive stages of a theurgic rite of initiation into the mysteries of Dionysos.

The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi

The Game of Saturn is the first full length, scholarly study of the enigmatic Renaissance masterwork known as the Sola-Busca tarot. It reveals the existence of a pagan liturgical and ritual tradition active amongst members of the Renaissance elite and encoded within the deck. Beneath its beautifully decorated surface, its imagery ranges from the obscure to the grotesque; we encounter scenes of homoeroticism, wounding, immolation and decapitation redolent of hidden meanings, violent transformations and obscure rites.


Another Master Work by Peter Mark Adams! As one in search of the lost consciousness technologies of the Ancients, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Peter reveals the multidimensionality of the human being by skillfully mapping the energy field of intelligence supported by ground-breaking scientists such as Rupert Sheldrake. His rational and logical methodology delivers a solid melding of scientific theories and energy healing that questions the terms of existence in which the scientific world operates. What makes this book a page-turner is the collection of real-life energy healing cases.

Packed with mystery and wonderment, perhaps the most powerful thing about this book is that Peter provides hope by expanding what is possible on one’s own healing journey.

– Vanese Mc Neill Executive Producer of the Magical Egypt Documentary Series


Sinister art historical investigation of the Sola Busca tarot-like deck, linking Renaissance political intrigue between Ferrara and Venice with the attempted pagan revival of George Gemistos Plethon. Potential connections between 15th century elites and the ancient cult practices of Saturn-Ammon in Carthage and Rome are explored. Deliciously evil.

Lovers of book arts will be pleased with the exceptionally fine design and fabrication of the physical book. Black silk shantung covers, deep purple endpapers, an internal paper stock of near card-like weight and carefully designed layout make for a beautiful book.


The Game of Saturn is the first full length, scholarly study of the enigmatic Renaissance masterwork known as the Sola-Busca tarot. It reveals the existence of a pagan liturgical and ritual tradition active amongst members of the Renaissance elite and encoded within the deck. Beneath its beautifully decorated surface, its imagery ranges from the obscure to the grotesque; we encounter scenes of homoeroticism, wounding, immolation and decapitation redolent of hidden meanings, violent transformations and obscure rites.